Sorako's Ramblings

This is where I'll peroidically write stuff. Kind of like a journal for random thoughts and happenings of the day.

5 March 2025 Actually shitty day :(

This one's gonna get a little ranty, so I'll keep it short :P. Just had one of the worst starts to my day, slept in by like 45 minutes despite initially waking up on time shomehow. Since the weather was great and to make up for lost time, I decided I'll cycle to university, instead of taking the much slower bus. I decided to just hop on my as of yet untested for the year commuting bike. It went awful. The first thing I noticed was the awful seat height, which I repaired almost right away. Things went fairly smoothly from there, until I hit a left-right-straight chicane in the path. I went in with slightly too much speed, and would have made it out, but at the last minute I spotted an ice patch, panicked, and ended up in a snow bank. I wasn't hurt or anything, just pissed off at that point. After reflecting on life choices, I continued on only to find out my route was still snowed in. Fuck. At this point, I decided to just fuck it and ride to the bus stop from there. At least I didn't have to wait for too long to get one...

22 Febuary 2025 Li'l adventures again

Geez, today was another really busy day. It was supposed to be a day where I'd head out in the evening to enjoy an escape room (my first one!" with a few friends of mine, but it turned into a much busier exploration of the Toronto downtown area! I left home at around noon, opting to go to Basecamp Bloor to get a little bit of climbing in, since I hadn't been to the climbing gym at all this month. I only spent an hour there, opting to climb the autobelay wall, as well as the upper floor's bouldering wall until my arms couldn't hold me anymore. Someone told me that I have a habit of using most of my arm strength and not enough leg strength, so I guess I should work on that too.

Afterwards, I hit up Yume Arcade, a Japanese import arcade. I spent a bit of time here playing Taiko no Tatsujin, Sound Voltex, and Maimai, all games not typically found in North American arcades, so it's a pretty unique experience! It's a fairly small place, so it get's crowded quick, but they have a solid digital queue system, so if you're patient you'll get a chance to play any of the games.

Finally, I walked over to Queen St. to meet with my friends, we had a pre-escape room dinner at a bar just down the street before we headed over to Trapped Escape Rooms. The game we played was themed around Egyptian mythology, in which we had gotten lost in the catacombs, and had to solve a series of puzzles to escape. We managed to crush it in about 45 minutes! Afterwards, we took pictures together, hung around and eventually went our separate ways.

12 Febuary 2025 - 10% of the year through!

We're already almost halfway through Febuary, meaning we're just about 10% through 2025. The passage of time truly does march on regardless of if we will it or not. Personally, I've been doing my regular winter job, being a ski instructor for a small ski hill near the city. It's probably the job that I enjoy the most. I'm seemingly an anomaly among the VTuber community, being the outdoorsy/sporty type. Skiing is one of those sports I like to participate in, quite possibly the one of the sports I enjoy the most, so being able to get paid to ski is just the cherry on top. I teach people of all ages, from kids in preschool all the way to adults pushing 40. Everyone is so different in skill, learning style and personality, so it makes for a fun experience. I hope to be able to at least ski one of the bigger hills in Ontario like Blue Mountain or Mt St Louis sometime this season!

1 January 2025 - Happy New Year, and a year-in-review.

Well, it's already New Year's Eve as I type this up, I can't believe another year has gone by. This one's been full of ups and downs, I've had some of the best experiences of my life, and some of the worst. I experienced victories and losses, made new friends, and lost some good ones too.
Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one, and a somewhat heavy one.

2024 was the year I finally got back into streaming, after a multi-year long hiatus. On top of a beefy tax return this year, I had saved up enough money to buy a PC off of a good friend of mine out in Montana. Did you know that this friend very likely lives north of me, despite many Americans referring to Canada as "the North"? It's even in our NBA basketball team, the Toronto Raptors' slogan, "We the North". That aside, I was purchased the PC, and it was well on it's way towards me. Unfortunately, there were some hiccups, the first GPU sent was a dud with artifacting across the monitor. Fortunately, take two was successful, unfortunately, due to an unfortunate combination between the DisplayPort cables I bought, and the case this PC was built in, I couldn't properly plug the monitors into the GPU. Fortunately, I eventually had a brainwave, and cut smalls parts of plastic off of the ends that would go into the PC, and it worked! I finally had a decent gaming computer in my hands!

Not that I could enjoy it for very long, though. Because days after the PC had even arrived, I was due to head to New York City to meet Yumi, one of my closest friends. It was a short stay, only 6 days, but we made sure to make the most of it, while still being as frugal as possible. And I like to think I was successful in both, only having spent around $500 USD on the whole trip. This was mostly thanks to being able to stay in her parents' apartment in the city, and eating at home when we could. Her father was very kind to us, making sure I was comfortable as can be, providing food, and even treating us to some Dim Sum in Flushing Main St. Chinatown (objectively the best Chinatown in NYC). Those 6 days went by at lightspeed, and before I knew it, I was on the bus ride from New York City back home to Toronto. Sidenote, the bus was a surprisingly pleasant experience, both ways. The last time I had taken the same bus trip, with family wasn't the greatest experience. Being crammed into a narrow seat with nearly no legroom, being woken up in random parts of upstate NY, the smell, etc. This one was actually quite pleasant. I had a full row to myself both ways, and got decent sleep too. Unfortunately, on the return leg, I was to change busses in Buffalo. That's when disaster struck. I had lost my very expensive Sony WH-1000XM4s, and they were never seen again...

Not that I had much time to mourn anyways, not a week after I returned was going to be the full solar eclipse occuring over North America. I just had to see it. Unfortunately, my city, Toronto was just barely out of the full eclipse zone, only catching something around 95% of it, which meant I'd be making the journey south to Hamilton, an industrial city on the Southeastern tip of Lake Ontario. That's about 60km as the crow flies! Now if I had a car, that'd be nothing. Under an hours drive, maybe an hour and a half tops with traffic. I don't have a car, or a license. What I do have, though is a Leaperkim-Veteran Sherman Electric Unicycle (EUC for short). While it's would be a fair bit slower than a car, it's much faster than cycling or taking transit, and it's only as wide as I am, meaning I can split traffic where needed! I'd need to charge somewhere in between, but if I leave on time, I should be able to make it to see the eclipse. So that's what I did! On the morning of April 8th, I set off from my home in Toronto to the City of Hamilton to see the eclipse, all on my lonesome. I made my way through dozens of towns down country backroads and town centre streets. But as I got closer, I noticed traffic increasing. This is where my lane splitting ability paid off. Where necessary, I carefully squeezed between stopped cars as I made my way to my destination, and it paid off! I arrived in time to grab food and a spot to see the eclipse. By pure coincidence, I managed to spot a few other EUC riders, and decided to join them and set up camp there.

At first, everyone was in doubt of if we'll actually be able to see it. There was heavy cloud cover for much of the day, to the point where I heard a few murmurs of people considering giving up and leaving. But it wasn't completely hopeless. Every now and then, we'd be teased with a break in the clouds, enough to see the sun hiding away before it'd be blocked off by the clouds once again. I really wasn't sure if we'd see it. But then the moment came. As if fate itself willed it, the clouds parted in the final moments of light, just as the moon was positioning itself to block the sun. Then, as if out of a movie, the sky went dark, animals let out confused cries as their sense of time was thrown off, and for a moment that felt like an eternity, all eyes were glued to the sky. It was a truly beautiful moment, standing there, staring at the sky through my eclipse-safe glasses. But the moment soon ended, and the sun was returned to it's normal state, as if nothing had ever happened. After a while of milling about the other riders invited me to join them in their ride back East, to which I obliged, and I made my way back home.

Unfortunately, this is where my year took a turn for the worse. About a month later, I had a fairly bad argument with Yumi, which was building up since after the NYC trip. I should have seen it coming, but it still caught me off guard. Then, like some divine middle finger, I was hit by a car while riding my EUC. It was probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, and an xray later that night proved that despite my Halo-Master Chief level body armour, I had indeed broken a bone, my right tibial plateau. I was left stuck at home for what was practically the whole summer, save for trips to the doctor or later the pysiotherapist. Being a very outdoorsy person, this pretty much took a sledgehammer to whatever remaining mental stability I had and ground it to a fine dust. I spiralled, but thankfully, with the help of some of my closest friends, the knowledge that the pain was only temporary, and the support of my viewers, those darker thoughts were kept at bay.

Eventually my leg did heal, and I reentered college. I attended lectures, did assignments, and socialized, the regular-ish college life, I guess. I was still poor as hell, since I lost my job after the accident, and didn't get it back yet, but I managed. Unfortunately, my relationship with Yumi never really recovered, and with her recent treatment of me, I decided to just cut her out of my life. I think that was the final piece I needed to move on from the absolute disasterful few months I had. It felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I don't really wanna get into any more detail aside from this, but if anyone was ever worried, just know that I'm fine now! But also I'm physically incapable of holding a grudge. Maybe one day the relationship will be repaired, but it's not something that I need to put my energy into right now.

All in all, I feel my life is on the up and up. I'm getting good grades, I started going to the gym, I have some good friends both in real life and online, and I'm starting to really feel good about myself. 2025 is gonna be a good year.

So what now for this year? I'm planning on working on this website, doing arts, and continuing to stream, among other things. While my EUC is completely unridable, it's theoretically repairable, so I'm gonna try to attempt that. If anything it'll stay on my fleet as a backup ride/loaner. But I think to close this out, I want to codify my New Year's resolutions. So here they are:

And that's pretty much it. Happy New Year's, everyone! I hope you all have a great year! Don't worry, future ramblings won't be nearly as long as this, not even year-in-reviews. Or at least I'll try to keep them short and sweet!